5 Facts About Household Water Systems You Should Know

Having clean and running water in the home is essential, and it’s crucial for homeowners to understand how their home’s water system works. Here are a few key facts about household water systems that everyone should know.

1. Internal Plumbing Systems

The vast majority of households have an internal plumbing system, which consists of pipes and other components that bring water into the home from municipal sources and carry it to different rooms in the house. This piping is usually made of plastic, steel, or copper, and it can be complicated to install and repair.

The internal system is critical to keep clean and in good condition since it helps to ensure that no contaminants get into the water supply or cause damage to the home. Some signs of a malfunctioning internal system include discolored water, bad smells, and low pressure.

2. External Plumbing Systems

In addition to the internal plumbing system, there are other components that make up the home’s water system. These include external piping systems such as sewers and drains, which carry wastewater away from the house; irrigation systems for lawns and gardens; and rainwater harvesting systems that capture water from the roof.

During the winter, it’s important to maintain the external water system. Disconnecting and draining hoses, sprinkler systems, and other components can help prevent damage caused by freezing temperatures.

3. Water Quality

The quality of water in homes is just as important as the plumbing system itself. In order to make sure that water is safe for drinking and bathing, it’s vital to check that it is free of contaminants such as lead and bacteria. Testing water regularly can help ensure that the home has clean, safe water.

In addition, you can also check your water’s quality at home. Three of the most common signs of unsafe drinking water include cloudiness in the water, sediment in your glass, and an off or unusual taste. If you notice any of these warning signs, it’s important to get your water tested immediately.

4. Water Pressure

The municipal system determines the pressure of your home’s water supply, and it is important to keep this pressure consistent for optimal performance of the plumbing fixtures. In most homes, a pressure regulator valve is used to make sure that the pressure does not exceed the safe level. If you notice that your water pressure is too low or too high, it’s important to call a plumber.

A national study showed that 6% of homeowners have low water pressure, which can manifest as a trickle from the faucet or shower, a slow drain, or a toilet that won’t flush. Low water pressure can also be caused by clogged pipes or a malfunctioning water heater.

5. Water Heaters

Water heaters are vital for providing hot water in the home. About 27 million households in the U.S. have a water heater that is older than a decade. If your water heater is more than 10 years old, it’s important to get it checked by a professional plumber to ensure that it’s working properly.

Regular maintenance of the water heater can help extend its lifespan and make sure that you have hot water when you need it. In addition, checking for any signs of corrosion or leaks around the base of the unit can help identify issues early on and prevent costly repairs down the line.

Overall, understanding how your home’s water system works is essential for keeping it in optimal condition. Knowing these facts about household water systems can help homeowners identify potential problems before they become major ones, as well as keep their families safe from potentially hazardous contaminants in the drinking supply.


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